Tuesday, May 13, 2008

From The Pastor for Sunday May 18th

Isa 40:11 “He shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom.”
The He of this verse is without a doubt THE GOOD SHEPHERD. Why would this shepherd carry the lambs in his bosom? Is it due to the love and compassion he has for the sheep? Does their infirmities, wounds, and helpless state cause His heart to melt. Their weaknesses, lack of understanding, and fears bring out in Him great compassion. It is the office of our Lord, as a faithful High Priest, to consider the weak. He is not a hireling for He is the owner of the sheep of His pasture. Having purchased them with His blood, they are his property. It stands the test of reason that he must and will care for that which cost him so much. He is bound by a covenant not to lose even one of them. They are all a part of His glory and reward.
In what sense or in what way does He “carry them?” He carries them by keeping them from enduring excessive trials. He carries them by providing a way of escape for them through His strength. He carries them by providing for their immediate and urgent needs. When their knowledge is limited yet they can say with the formerly blind man “one thing I know...” and that one thing will sustain them through any trial. Often He “carries” them by giving them a very simple faith, which takes the promise just as it stands, and with full trust runs at every sign of trouble straight to Jesus.
“He carries the lambs in his bosom.” That we may lean on the bosom of Jesus and be accepted in the beloved even though we are but dust, “a worm and no man” shows forth the great depth of His love for us. The Good Shepherd holds His dear one so near to Himself that nothing can separate them. When held thus by our loving Lord we are in perfect safety and none can hurt us there.
By what means can one come to this place of perfect peace? By what means can one be so tenderly protected in the bosom of the Lord and Shepherd? The means is GRACE and the way is Faith.

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