We are a conservative independent Missionary Baptist Church located in Hillsboro, Texas. Hillsboro is located about 45 miles south of Fort Worth,Texas on Interstate Highway 35. Take exit 368 and go east about 1/10 of a mile down Texas Highway 22.
We have services from 10 to noon on Sundays and also 6 to 7 Sunday nights. We have mid-week services on Wednesdays at 7.
We were organized in October of 1918 and have served the Lord in Hillsboro ever since. We are a part of the American Baptist Association of churches. We invite you to come and worship the Lord our God with us.
Our Pastor, since November 2002, is Paul Clark. He graduated from Texas Baptist Institute in 2003 with a Master's Degree in Theology. He was born in Galena Park, Texas in 1953. He met and married his wife Janie in 1973 and they have 3 children and 8 grandchildren. His father and father-in-law are both former pastors of Baptist churches. His son is doing missionary work in Paris, France. Both of his son-in-laws are baptist preachers. One is pastoring in Moss Hill, Texas and the other will be attending Texas Baptist Institute begining in the fall. Bro. Paul, loves to preach the word of God. He enjoys, reading the Bible, golf, hiking, and grandchildren.
Use of our building.
We allow non members of our church to use our building for weddings if they make a donation to our church using the following guidelines.
CHURCH BUILDING USE $600.00 FELLOWSHIP HALL $150.00 SOUND TECHNICIAN $70.00 PIANIST/ORGANIST $70.00 CHURCH PASTOR USE $150.00 The check is to be made out to Walnut Street Baptist Church. The fellowship hall, sound Technician, Pianist/Organist, and Pastor are optional. No one other than a sound technician from the church may operate the sound system. You may use your own tape or CD player but it will not be played over the house system. You may use your own pianist/organist provided they are competent to use the church piano/organ. If you choose to use a church sound technician or pianist it is expected that you contact them and make the necessary arrangements. If you choose to use the Pastor, the church is to be reimbursed for the use of the Pastor’s time. If you do not use the Pastor the one performing the ceremony must be a minister of like faith and order i.e. a Baptist minister, of whom the church would approve. It is expected that any damage to the building or property will be paid for by the one responsible for the damage. The church retains the right to deny the use of the church facilities at its discretion. This is the house of God and this church expects that it will be treated with the reverence and respect owed to God’s house. The following rules must be followed when using our facilities. 1. Janitor must be contacted in advance so he will be available on said date. A fee of $100.00 is included in the building use fee for the janitor. The Janitor will inspect to see that the church has been restored to its proper condition and that no damage has occurred. 2. The party responsible for the auditorium must help replace podium and all furniture in the auditorium before leaving. 3. All candles used in the auditorium must be metal or votive candles. Large unity candles must have plastic placed carefully underneath at all times. All wax on the carpet will be removed at the user’s expense. 4. Those securing the facilities for the occasion will be responsible for any broken or misplaced articles and will be expected to replace same. 5. Spills must be cleaned up at once. 6. Curfew time is 11:00 p. m. 7. NO ALCOHOLIC beverages are allowed on the Church property. 8. NO SMOKING in any of the buildings belonging to Walnut Street Baptist Church. Donation amounts may change without notice.